“visual sensuality, primal and timeless”
“abstractly beautiful and richly imagined making statements about identity lost and overlooked.”
New Work
Abstract Art About Endangered Birds & Endangered Languages
My new abstract artwork has a fiberart sensibility even though the feathers are now fabricated from recycled, fused and sewn plastic bags. The plastic feathers are screen printed with images of endangered birds and text about species extinction including excerpts from Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring. This seminal work not only inspired a worldwide ecology movement, but also inspired my own ecological artwork and consciousness about habitat fragmentation. Through my research I have become aware of endangered languages that are also at risk of becoming extinct. We are collecting text in various indigenous languages like Purepecha from Michoacán, Zoque and Yakme from Chiapas and Yiddish and Ladino. I continue to be influenced by Latin American textile artists, and ceremonial art created by indigenous Amazonian artists and West African artists whose objects were often decorated with plumage. I spend a lot of time looking at innovative textile and mixed media artists including Olga de Amaral, El Anatsui and Rachid Koraïchi.

(Click on image detail for full view of works)
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North Carolina Artists Exhibition features Deborah Kruger
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Part 1: Break A Leg!
Solo Show Proposal Accepted!
Sergio Unzeta, the curator who was responsible for my solo show in Chapala (2018), has become a big fan of my work and has been shopping exhibition proposals around various venues in Guadalajara. At our last meeting in December, he greeted us with a big grin on his face and announced that his proposal for a solo show had been accepted at the Palacio de la Cultura y Los Congress (PALCCO).

My New Merch Project
Designing Merchandise using my Art. Even though I am enjoying a lot of visibility these days (I was in five exhibitions this year!) sales are slow and like most artists, I need a steady revenue stream to support my habit.

Homeland Wins Award at International Fiber IX
Once again, I am honored to be included in International Fiber Arts IX, an international fiber show at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts on the coast of northern California. My piece, Homeland won a Merit Award and was also the piece chosen for the cover of the exhibition pamphlet and for the postcard announcing the show.