OXYMORON OF ART: Deborah Kruger’s recycled plastic feathers

Artist interview by Sabino Maria Frassà in Cranum Magazine Thanks to my enthusiastic curator, Barbara Pavan, my textile artwork has been shown in Italy twice this year. As a result of this visibility, I have received more interest from other artists and writers in Italy. Sabino Maria Frassà writes for the Italian culture magazine Cranum […]
Flight patterns: Deborah Kruger’s feathered work migrates worldwide

Artist in front of Redwing Interview by Rachel Ellner for the FIT School of Art and Design I always give so much credit to Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in New York City for launching me as a fiber artist. It was with great delight that I welcomed Rachel Ellner to interview me for the […]
Explore Art Magazine Interviews Deborah Kruger

Renee L. Rose takes a deep dive into Kruger’s Environmental Art This one-hour interview with Chicago-based Explore Art Founder, Renee L. Rose, is a rich source of information about environmental artist Deborah Kruger. Ms. Rose leads the artist on a conversational journey that covers her early inspiration, her evolution as an environmental artist, key issues […]
Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art Interview

10 Questions with Deborah Kruger My latest interview was in the Al-Tiba9 Magazine. This journal is based in Barcelona, Spain. The interviewer created ten excellent questions and reading this interview will take you on a deeper dive into my textile background and my art process. Along the way, I have a chance to talk about […]
Shoutout North Carolina Interviews Deborah Kruger

Environmental Artist talks about Risk As you know, I have a studio in Durham, NC where I have family and many textile colleagues. Shoutout North Carolina contacted me for an interview and you will find it very personal. If you want to know more about aspects of my art practice, like challenges and inspirations, please […]
More International Press Coverage for Avianto in Arte Morbida, Italy’s Premier Textile Magazine

Avianto is a traveling exhibition. Stay tuned to hear about the next stop! The Italian fiber magazine, Arte Morbida, has been very kind to me this year. I am gratified to have them promote my current solo exhibition of abstract, environmental art titled Avianto, on view at Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, TN. They chose […]
ArtDaily.com Features Kruger’s Solo Show of Environmental Art in Tennessee

Exciting environmental artist Deborah Kruger exhibiting at Tennessee Tech University COOKEVILLE, Tenn.- AVIANTO, an exhibition of Deborah Kruger’s environmental artwork is on display in the Joan Derryberry Gallery at Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, Tennessee. AVIANTO focuses on Deborah Kruger’s recent work, which is motivated by the extinction of bird species, and the loss of […]
Dovetail Magazine features Deborah Kruger’s environmental artwork

Dovetail Magazine features contemporary art that evokes a sense of place. Since my artwork is a wistful expression of how disappearing habitat affects all species, it seemed like a perfect fit. Kate Mothes writes a poetic introduction to my work that includes the phrase…”maps the nature of disappearance,” she dives right into the heart of […]
Bold Journey Interviews Deborah Kruger

Bold Journey is an online magazine dedicated to sharing stories of people who are living life boldly. Carmen Martinez from Bold Journey Publishing contacted me for an interview after learning about my art journey. I love when an interviewer takes me out of the manicured garden style interview and into the messier fields of wildflowers. […]
Arte Morbida Interviews Deborah Kruger

I am honored to have an in-depth interview about my artwork, inspirations and art practice that appears in Arte Morbida, the premier Italian magazine about contemporary fiber art. The magazine also has an extensive on-line presence including calls for exhibitions and other opportunities. It is rare to have so much coverage in one place and […]