The Guadalajara Reporter
Fiber Artist`s Deep Concern for Endangered Birds “In the United States I could never afford a studio, full-time assistant and six additional studio technicians.” DECEMBER, 2017THE GUADALAJARA REPORTER READ THE ARTICLE
Textile Fibre Forum
An Interview with Deborah Kruger “Surround yourself with inspiring people who believe in you, spend time looking at art that makes you quiver. Aim high in the studio and out in the world.” DECEMBER , 2014TEXTILE FIBER FORUM READ PAGE 1 READ PAGE 2
Zone Arts
Zoneone Arts Brings Deborah Kruger to You…. “Deborah Kruger’s inspiration is taken from bird migrational patterns. Kruger’s work is a story, interwoven with beauty, glamour and a social conscience.“ SEPTEMBER 3, 2018IN ECO ARTISTS, TEXTILE ARTISTSBY DEBORAH BLAKELEY READ THE ARTICLE
The Textile Blog
ARTIST: Deborah Kruger “The artist Deborah Kruger uses her creativity to understand the world around her, specifically the natural world, its problems in trying to adapt to enforced changes by humans, and ultimately the shifts that are forced on ourselves through those changes.” JULY 18, 2018 THE TEXTILE BLOG READ THE ARTICLE
Opus Textile
PLUMAS Y VUELOS – FEATHERS AND FLIGHTS “The exhibited work has internal languages … that refer to Kruger’s personal migration process … to Mexico. Turbulence…Vortex…Cambodia…are some of Kruger’s work titles alluding to the disappearance of birds.” AUGUST, 2018OPUS TEXTILE READ ARTICLE
Part 1: Break A Leg!
Solo Show Proposal Accepted!
Sergio Unzeta, the curator who was responsible for my solo show in Chapala (2018), has become a big fan of my work and has been shopping exhibition proposals around various venues in Guadalajara. At our last meeting in December, he greeted us with a big grin on his face and announced that his proposal for a solo show had been accepted at the Palacio de la Cultura y Los Congress (PALCCO).
Springfield Republican
Colors balance for artist-business owner “Her medium is textiles and paint, which she fashions into triangle-shaped pieces that suggest forest colors and her interest in art from West Africa and the Amazon Basin. Kruger’s interest in textiles grows out of her training as a textile designer at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York.” […]
Amherst Bulletin
Leave your analytical side by the door “From a distance, the works created by Amherst textiles artist Deborah Kruger seem to blend together in their similar shapes, sizes and color schemes. Yet up close, they display details and patterns as if there were a conversation occurring amount the pieces” MARCH 21, 2003AMHERST BULLETIN READ ARTICLE
Sunday Republican
Creative side drives businesswoman, artist “Business, especially medical billing, is all about attention to detail and solving problems. The same goes for art.” FEBRUARY 17, 2007SUNDAY REPUBLICAN READ ARTICLE
2019 Beyond the Surface
About: This exhibition will be held in conjunction with the Surface Design Association Conference and features the work of SDA members. It was curated by Jo Stealey of the University of Missouri and Jim Arendt of Coastal Carolina University. Dates: September 20, 2019 – October 23, 2019 Location: St. Louis Artists’ Guild, 12 Jackson Avenue, Clayton, MO […]