Deborah Kruger Wins an Arte Laguna Prize

And I’m a winner! Like most artists, I spend weeks every year writing grant proposals for artists, applying for artist prizes and exhibitions, and scouting for residencies. I hate thinking about how much time this adds up to but it’s A LOT! Plus, many of these opportunities charge fees for entry. And the competition is […]
AVIANTO: Inaugura nueva exposición individual de Kruger en la Estación de Trenes de Chapala

El sueño se hace realidad.. Cuando me mudé por primera vez al lago Chapala desde Massachusetts y descubrí el Museo de la estación de tren. Solía sentarme en el área de la entrada principal, generalmente cuando había un concierto, y soñaba despierto con tener una exhibición allí. Ahora, once años después, mi sueño se está […]
AVIANTO: Kruger’s new solo exhibition opens at the Train Station, Chapala

The dream becomes a reality… When I first moved to Lake Chapala from Massachusetts and discovered the Train Station Museum. I used to sit in the main entry area, usually when there was a concert, and day dream about having an exhibition there. Now, eleven years later, my dream is becoming reality. On May 14th, […]
2022 Avianto

About: A traveling exhibition of Deborah Kruger’s artwork titled Plumas will open at the Central Cultural Gonzalez Gallo also known locally as the Train Station Museum in Chapala and travel to three other museums in Jalisco for the next year. Deborah is excited to bring her latest artwork about endangered birds and languages to her […]
2022 Rufino Tamayo Bienal XIX

About: The Rufino Tamayo Bienal XIX was interrupted due to Covid. This Bienal features the top 50 painters in Mexico and the traveling exhibition will end at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Internacional Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City, Mexico this summer. Deborah’s piece, Abandon was chosen for this exhibition. Dates: July 9 – August 14, 2022 […]
2023 Arte Laguna Prize Final Exhibition

About: As a winner of the Arte Laguna Prize for Sculpture and Installation, Deborah’s artwork will be exhibited at the Aresenale Norde, a prestigious exhibition space in the heart of Venice. Dates: March 11 – April 16, 2023 Location: Arsenale Nord de Venice Tese delle Nappe, Cale Seconda de la Fava, 30122 Venice, Italy Opening […]
2023 Visions Museum of Textile Art

About: Deborah Kruger’s solo exhibition “Avianto” will be featured at the Visions Museum of Textile Art, which showcases the best contemporary quilts and textiles being made today. Dates: January 21 – May 27, 2023 Location: Visions Museum of Textile Art 2825 Dewey Rd #100 San Diego, CA 92106 Hours: Wed – Saturday 10am – 4pm […]
2023 Avianto at Tennessee Tech University

About: The Joan Derryberry Art Gallery on the campus of Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, TN have invited Deborah Kruger to show her traveling exhibition AVIANTO and come to the campus to present an artist talk to their Art Department. Dates: August 17, – September 14, 2023 Gallery Talk: September 14, 2023 at 5pm in […]
Considering Art Podcast-Deborah Kruger, textile Artist

As a result of all the outreach surrounding my exhibition in Mexico City, Bob Chaundy found me and my artwork and asked to interview me on his Considering Art podcast. Bob is a former BBC news journalist who has also written art reviews for the Huffington Post UK. He is passionate about contemporary art. Beginning […]
Archivo Grafica Printmaking Studio in Mexico City welcomes me with open arms

One of my new artist friends is Ana Lopez-Montes who I met through the Art Lab virtual residency at She is also the studio manager for Archivo Gráfica, a printmaking studio that has been located in Roma, in downtown Mexico City, for the last 30 years. To be honest, when Ana started to urge […]