Parte 1 (Espanol)
Sergio Unzueta, el curador responsable de mi exposición individual en Chapala (2018), se ha convertido en un gran admirador de mi trabajo y ha estado promocionando propuestas de exhibición en varios lugares en Guadalajara. En nuestra última reunión en diciembre, nos recibió con una gran sonrisa en su rostro y anunció que su propuesta para una exposición individual había sido aceptada en el Palacio de la Cultura y el Congreso (PALCCO).
North Carolina Artists Exhibition features Deborah Kruger
Hosted by the Contemporary Art Museum in Raleigh, NC Each spring the Raleigh Fine Arts Society based in Raleigh, NC, chooses a high level curator to jury their North Carolina Artists Exhibition. This year, Nat Trotman, Curator of Performance and Media at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City evaluated over 650 artists […]
2020 North Carolina Artists Exhibition
Gallery Hours: Thurs. – Friday: 12:00 pm-6:00 pm Sat.– Sunday: 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm Tuesday & Wednesday by appointment Open late for First Friday until 10:00 pm About: The annual North Carolina Artists Exhibition sponsored by the Raleigh Fine Arts Society is a juried exhibit of two-dimensional and three-dimensional visual art featuring 57 established […]
2011 LARGE FORMAT SALON: World Textile Association Biennial Fiber Conference
LARGE FORMAT SALON: World Textile Association Biennial Fiber Conference About: The theme of this year’s International Biennial Fiber Conference is AIR. The Large Format Salon will feature 60 installations from artists representing 5 continents. Dates: May 26 – July 22, 2011 Location: Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli, Coyoacán, Mexico City, Mexico Jurors: Dr. Alfredo Torres, Uruguay; […]
SAQA Journal 2019 No.2
“All my artwork is concerned with endangered birds and languages.” 2019 No. 2SAQA JOURNAL READ ARTICLE
American Craft
A Different Feather “The best of art is a dialogue,” Kruger says. “It’s form and content. And I’m asking myself, ‘Am I making these connections well?’” JANUARY/DECEMBER 2019AMERICAN CRAFT READ ARTICLE
Ojo del Lago
Focus on Art “True art is moral … it seeks to improve life, not debase it … it recovers what is necessary to our humanness.” In just this sense, Deborah brings both morality and aesthetic excellence to bear, as she poetically expresses the risk of humanity’s unwillingness to act.AUGUST 2019OJO DEL LAGO READ ARTICLE
Deborah Kruger, Artista invitada del Tercer Festival Sincronico en Chapala “La artísta contemporaneá..abordará otros temas que son de su interés como la desaparición de las lenguas o dialectos, con la intención de crear conciencia en el espectador.” AUGUST, 2018PAGINA READ ARTICLE
Quilting Arts Magazine
IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Deborah Kruger “I spend a lot of time thinking about the….delicate balance between making things that are simultaneously beautiful and meaningful.” FEBRUARY/MARCH 2009QUILTING ARTS MAGAZINE READ ARTICLE
A Transformation of the materials “…outstanding art requires a transformation of the materials so that the piece becomes a unique alchemy of what it is made from combined with your vision.” APRIL/MAY, 2014TEXTILE ARTIST READ ARTICLE