Kruger featured in Art Textile/Fibre Arts
Fibre Arts Australia has just produced the inaugural issue of a new textile e-zine that includes work by some of the world’s most innovative artists working in contemporary textiles. Volume 1 of the Art Textile/Fibre Arts e-zine presents short artist statements and two page spreads with work by eighteen artists from Australia, North America and […]
Textile Curator Interview
I am honored to have a long interview and images of my new work featured on the Textile Curator blog. The curator is Helen Adams, formerly of Australia and currently in Malaysia. Her mission is waking up the world to Contemporary Textile Art. Her featured artists include many of the stars in the world of […]
SAQA Journal 2019 No.2
“All my artwork is concerned with endangered birds and languages.” 2019 No. 2SAQA JOURNAL READ ARTICLE
American Craft
A Different Feather “The best of art is a dialogue,” Kruger says. “It’s form and content. And I’m asking myself, ‘Am I making these connections well?’” JANUARY/DECEMBER 2019AMERICAN CRAFT READ ARTICLE
Quilting Arts Magazine
IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Deborah Kruger “I spend a lot of time thinking about the….delicate balance between making things that are simultaneously beautiful and meaningful.” FEBRUARY/MARCH 2009QUILTING ARTS MAGAZINE READ ARTICLE
A Transformation of the materials “…outstanding art requires a transformation of the materials so that the piece becomes a unique alchemy of what it is made from combined with your vision.” APRIL/MAY, 2014TEXTILE ARTIST READ ARTICLE
The Guadalajara Reporter
Fiber Artist`s Deep Concern for Endangered Birds “In the United States I could never afford a studio, full-time assistant and six additional studio technicians.” DECEMBER, 2017THE GUADALAJARA REPORTER READ THE ARTICLE
Textile Fibre Forum
An Interview with Deborah Kruger “Surround yourself with inspiring people who believe in you, spend time looking at art that makes you quiver. Aim high in the studio and out in the world.” DECEMBER , 2014TEXTILE FIBER FORUM READ PAGE 1 READ PAGE 2
Zone Arts
Zoneone Arts Brings Deborah Kruger to You…. “Deborah Kruger’s inspiration is taken from bird migrational patterns. Kruger’s work is a story, interwoven with beauty, glamour and a social conscience.“ SEPTEMBER 3, 2018IN ECO ARTISTS, TEXTILE ARTISTSBY DEBORAH BLAKELEY READ THE ARTICLE
The Textile Blog
ARTIST: Deborah Kruger “The artist Deborah Kruger uses her creativity to understand the world around her, specifically the natural world, its problems in trying to adapt to enforced changes by humans, and ultimately the shifts that are forced on ourselves through those changes.” JULY 18, 2018 THE TEXTILE BLOG READ THE ARTICLE