2021 Plumas
About: Deborah Kruger’s upcoming solo exhibition Plumas will inaugurate a new space at the Proyectos Galería Mexico City. Deborah is delighted to bring her latest work on materialism and ecology to Mexico City. The show will open in-person at 7pm on Saturday November 6th, 2021 and will be available for virtual viewing on Artsy.net/Dab-Art until February […]
Blog de otoño de Deborah Kruger
Exhibiciones Actuales: Mi trabajo estará en 2 exhibiciones internacionales colectivas este otoño. Earth Matters Esta exposición es patrocinada por Surface Design Association (SDA), mi organización de arte textil favorita. Fui miembro de su Junta Directiva durante varios años. La muestra se llevará a cabo en el Watermark Art Center en Bemidji, MN, del 3 de […]
Deborah Kruger’s Fall Blog
Current Exhibitions: My work will be in two international group exhibitions this fall Earth Matters This exhibition is sponsored by the Surface Design Association (SDA), my favorite fiber organization. I was on their Board of Directors for several years. The show will be held at the Watermark Art Center in Bemidji, MN September 3-October 30, […]
2021 SDA Earth Matters 2
2021 SDA Earth Matters
About: The Watermark Art Center will be hosting the show Earth Matters in affiliation with the international Surface Design Association. Juried by Nnenna Okore, a long standing environmental artist and professor, the work exhibited focuses on the ecological repercussions of human influence through multilayered perspectives. My piece CONFLAGRATION will be shown along with 43 other […]
2021 Van Gogh Art Gallery
About: The Van Gogh Art Gallery in Madrid contacted me last fall wanting to show my work at their gallery and also at an art fair in Paris. The art fair was delayed until this coming September due to the pandemic. I am delighted to have my work at an exhibition in Spain. Do not underestimate […]
Deborah Kruger Blog de Verano
A pesar de que la pandemia ha postergado o retrasado muchas partes de la economía cultural, las cosas han estado muy animadas para mí y pensé que disfrutarías escuchar acerca de dónde estará mi trabajo este verano. Desde enero, mi trabajo ha sido presentado en dos Bienales internacionales. Kimono está viajando por Australia como parte […]
2021 Centro Cultural Mexiquense Bicentenario
About: The Rufino Tamayo Museum in Mexico City is presenting their prestigious Bienal. The second stop of this touring show will be at the Centro Cultural Mexiquense Bicentenario in Texcoco, Mexico. 51 artists were accepted to the exhibition and my piece, Abandon has been chosen. The last venue for this traveling exhibition will be the Rufino […]
Why White? My ongoing white series
“…sometimes, like meditating, I need to visually take a breath. After every two or three richly colored pieces, I need to make a piece in white.” I love color. Deep, saturated color that elevates your heart rate. Most of my work over the years has been done in earth tones and rich jewel tones. But […]
2021 Museo de Arte de Celaya Octavio Ocampo
About: The Rufino Tamayo Museum in Mexico City is presenting their prestigious Bienal. The touring show will third stop will be at the Museo de Arte de Celaya Octavio Ocampo. 51 artists were accepted to the exhibition and my piece, Abandon has been chosen. The final stop of the Bienal will be at the Rufino […]