Deborah Kruger

Opus Textile

PLUMAS Y VUELOS – FEATHERS AND FLIGHTS “The exhibited work has internal languages … that refer to Kruger’s personal migration process … to Mexico. Turbulence…Vortex…Cambodia…are some of Kruger’s work titles alluding to the disappearance of birds.” AUGUST, 2018OPUS TEXTILE READ ARTICLE

Guadalajara Reporter

Kruger exhibit aims to wake us up “At the opening reception for “Turbulence: Birds, Beauty, Language & Loss,” our minds and eyes were popped open by the colorful, tactile and three-dimensional feathered artwork of Deborah Kruger”. AUGUST 11, 2018GUADALAJARA REPORTER READ REVIEW

Daily Hampshire Gazette

Triangles that echo with myth “…something special, something mythic happens when hands pick up materials like these.  Textiles, she demonstrates, are only a step removed from out own bodies in the ways they bend, flex and move.” MARCH 31, 2003DAILY HAMPSHIRE GAZETTE READ REVIEW

Greenfield Recorder

Fabric expressions highlight of gallery walk “Working in wax, resin and pigment, applied to neatly cut slices of colorful fabric, Kruger’s fascination with the basic geometry of the triangular form yields a visceral projection of feminine energy that is erotically charged and a marvel of multi-layered design.” NOVEMBER 11,2003GREENFIELD RECORDER READ REVIEW