Deborah Kruger

Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art Interview

10 Questions with Deborah Kruger

My latest interview was in the Al-Tiba9 Magazine. This journal is based in Barcelona, Spain. The interviewer created ten excellent questions and reading this interview will take you on a deeper dive into my textile background and my art process. Along the way, I have a chance to talk about the role of research and ecology on my work and cover some of my  inspirations and upcoming work as well as the impact of feminism on my career. Younger artists can also read my advice that I wish I had gotten earlier in life! 

The interview also includes six recent images of my environmental, abstract art, that illustrate points that are covered. Featured in the article are: Fragmentation (2021), Redwing (2023), Accidentals (2023), Ropa Arco Iris (2023), Kimono 2 (2023), Breastplate (2023).

Al-Tiba9 Magazine also has an on-line gallery and is a publishing entity. They have an extensive reach throughout Europe and the Global South. I feel fortunate to have my work presented throughout their network.

Works featured in this article:

Fragmentation, 2021, 76.5 x 169 x 4"
Accidentals, 2023, 92 x 167 x 6”
Redwing, 2023, 60 X 110 X 2"
Ropa Arco Iris, 2023, 53 x 45 x 2"
Kimono 2, 2023, 59 X 39 X 2"
Breastplate, 2023, 25 x 40 x 2"

Further Reading: