Proposal for Solo Museum Show Accepted!
Sergio Unzueta, the curator who was responsible for my solo show in Chapala (2018), has become a big fan of my work and has been shopping exhibition proposals around various venues in Guadalajara. At our last meeting in December, he greeted us with a big grin on his face and announced that his proposal for a solo show had been accepted at the Palacio de la Cultura y Los Congress (PALCCO).

This is a huge contemporary art and performance venue. The soaring space was designed by the Architect Arnoldo Rabago ( ) who was influenced by Zaha Hadid. Architect Jose Manuel Gomez Vazquez Aldana (

Sergio Unzueta, is the Director of Cultural Affairs for the City of Chapala and he also had some cogent remarks about my work and process. It is his enthusiasm that generated the opportunity to mount my solo exhibition Turbulence: Birds, Beauty, Language and Loss at the Chapala Cultural Center (August 4 – September 15, 2018)

We will be meeting the PALCCO Director later in January to confirm the date (February/March 2021) and see the space. I am incredibly excited and also scared.
A year is barely enough time to create a new body of work especially considering my recent fall while horseback riding where I broke my ankle and got a concussion. No more riding for me!

Although I have a few larger pieces and one sculpture (Vortex) remaining in my Chapala studio, much of the work that I have made over the last two years has been on exhibit in the US and are now stored in my studio in Durham, NC. Since some of these pieces are already promised to other shows (Kansai will be traveling with Fiberart International to the Fort Collins Museum in Colorado in April 2020), it makes sense to keep them in the US and concentrate on making new work.

My assistant Sandra and I will be visiting the family owned ceramic factory in Tlaquepaque to explore additional options for ceramic shapes that we can use for this installation. Their team hand painted all the plates (rather than using digital techniques) that we used for Broken, which added to the authenticity of the piece.

This will be the largest solo show I have had since my retrospective at Translations Gallery in Denver in 2008. Although I am afraid I may faint when I see the space, I also know that it offers me a tremendous opportunity to spread my wings creatively. I am imagining more sculpture and installation along with the wall reliefs.
I’ve already started contemplating what work I would do and have a long list of work ideas that have been rattling around in my brain. I think that their time has come.