Deborah Kruger

OXYMORON OF ART: Deborah Kruger’s recycled plastic feathers

Artist interview by Sabino Maria Frassà in Cranum Magazine

Thanks to my enthusiastic curator, Barbara Pavan, my textile artwork has been shown in Italy twice this year. As a result of this visibility, I have received more interest from other artists and writers in Italy.

Sabino Maria Frassà writes for the Italian culture magazine Cranum and he started to follow me on Instagram. One thing led to another and while my work was on view as part of the II Biennale of Contemporary Fiber at the Museo del Ricamo e del Tessile, in Valtopina, Umbria, Italy.

Sabino sent me many great interview questions and perhaps because he was based in Europe and wrote in Italian, I found these questions fresh and provocative. They inspired me to talk about my work in new ways.

I hope you will enjoy this latest article about my environmental artwork. It is available to read in the original Italian as well as in English and Spanish. 

Featured Works

Ropa Arco Iris
Red Feather Basket