Deborah Kruger

Arte Morbida Interviews Deborah Kruger

I am honored to have an in-depth interview about my artwork, inspirations and art practice that appears in Arte Morbida, the premier Italian magazine about contemporary fiber art. The magazine also has an extensive on-line presence including calls for exhibitions and other opportunities.

It is rare to have so much coverage in one place and this interview by Maria Rosario Roseo, an critic for Arte Morbida, covers a lot of ground. There are over 20 images of my recent environmental artwork so that readers can get a sense of the scope of my art practice. Included are pieces for the wall, sculptures, drawings and my floor installations in shattered ceramics. The article offers early influences on my artwork, especially art concerned with bird extinction.

My recent meeting with the magazine’s Editor, Barbara Pavan, cemented our cyber relationship. I met Barbara in Milan with my assistant, Sandra Hernandez, before we left Italy in mid-April. We were visiting my exhibition in Venice for finalists of the Arte Laguna Prize. We also met Italian installation artist Michela Cavagna when we got together with Barbara.

In addition to the interview, Arte Morbida also presents my abstract art made with recycled materials in a gallery on the Arte Morbida website (see link in Resources below).  I always encourage everyone to follow me on Instagram (another link below!) where you can see my new work under construction.

I am gratified to have this visibility in an international magazine and look forward to more collaborations with Arte Morbida, Barbara Pavan and Michela Cavagna.